Begin Your Journey
The best path on your journey to success isn’t always the most obvious and that’s why Bridgewater State University, together with its two largest college partners in the state – Bristol Community College and Massasoit Community College – created the CC2BSU program.
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With a pathway through CC2BSU, you will experience a commitment and dedication to your college success that’s unsurpassed by any other college or university in the state – public or private. You will join not one, but two great campus communities where students from all backgrounds find their place and develop their definitions of success.
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Gwenevere Marchand
AGE: 21
MAJOR: Physical Education
“General education courses are general education courses and prerequisites are prerequisites. Why pay double when you don't have to? At Massasoit, financial aid covered the cost of my tuition, fees and books. I commute to BSU and, thus far, have been able to pay monthly without taking a loan.”
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Nicholos Walsh
AGE: 20
MAJOR: History, Secondary Education
"If you're not 100 percent positive in what you want to do, starting at a community college is smart. In a sense, going to Bristol Community College helped me grow up. I couldn't rely on someone else, I had to just do it. I commuted to Fall River, Taunton and Attleboro for my classes to learn to get ready to work."
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